Over the life of your loan, mortgage points could save you thousands of dollars, but mortgage points aren’t the right option for everyone. Learn some guidelines for when purchasing these points does and does not make sense. What is a mortgage point? Mortgage points are fees you can pay to your lender in exchange for a lower interest rate. They are typically paid in addition to your closing costs and are out-of-pocket expenses you would pay at closing. When to buy mortgage points Because mortgage points lower your interest rate, they have the potential to save you a lot of money over time. They can be a great investment if you plan to keep the house you’re purchasing long enough to recoup the cost of purchasing the points. Similarly, buying points makes sense if you’re refinancing your mortgage and plan to keep the house long enough to get the value of the points back. When not to buy mortgage points Having a low interest rate is good, but if you’re paying for that privilege, such as when you buy mortgage points, you have to make sure it’s worth it. If you plan to flip the home or move within a few years, you likely won’t save enough money to make the money you spend on points worthwhile. |
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